Friday, April 30, 2010

The Large Hadron Collider

Our understanding of the Universe is about to change...

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a gigantic scientific instrument near Geneva, where it spans the border between Switzerland and France about 100 m underground. It is a particle accelerator used by physicists to study the smallest known particles – the fundamental building blocks of all things. It will revolutionise our understanding, from the minuscule world deep within atoms to the vastness of the Universe.

Two beams of subatomic particles called 'hadrons' – either protons or lead ions – will travel in opposite directions inside the circular accelerator, gaining energy with every lap. Physicists will use the LHC to recreate the conditions just after the Big Bang, by colliding the two beams head-on at very high energy. Teams of physicists from around the world will analyse the particles created in the collisions using special detectors in a number of experiments dedicated to the LHC.

There are many theories as to what will result from these collisions, but what's for sure is that a brave new world of physics will emerge from the new accelerator, as knowledge in particle physics goes on to describe the workings of the Universe. For decades, the Standard Model of particle physics has served physicists well as a means of understanding the fundamental laws of Nature, but it does not tell the whole story. Only experimental data using the higher energies reached by the LHC can push knowledge forward, challenging those who seek confirmation of established knowledge, and those who dare to dream beyond the paradigm.

Facts and figures(These are the important things)

John C. Mather(The Nobel Prize in Physics 2006)

John C. Mather(The Nobel Prize in Physics 2006)

John Mather Answers Questions on the NobelPrize YouTube Channel

As the first in a series of Q&A sessions with Nobel Laureates on YouTube, John Mather, awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2006 for his research in cosmic microwave background radiation, has answered a selection of questions on the NobelPrize YouTube channel. His answers range from what happened before the Big Bang to what the consequences are of receiving a Nobel Prize.

Watch 42 questions and the answers!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Aliens exist, but avoid them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to leading scientist Stephen Hawking, aliens are out there but humans should avoid any contact with them.
Aliens exist, but don't talk to them, says Stephen Hawking 

read more.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Did Einstein Predict Dark Energy?

Oddly enough, dark energy — for all the surprise around its discovery — is not an entirely new concept in physics. There is historical background for this idea, and it comes from the preeminent astronomer of the 20th century, Albert Einstein.


Scientists using the hubble space telescope have recently found that an unexplained force is changing our universe,forcing galaxies to move farther and farther apart.streching the fabric of space at an increasing speed.
If unchecked this could mean the DEATH of universe as the increasing universe could even tear apart it's atoms

This mysterious thing is termed as dark energy

for more information on this issue, including videos and slide shows do visit the link:  (a must visit for all)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Indians knew gravity laws 500 yrs before Newton!!!!!!!!!!

Ancient Indian mathematician Bhaskaracharya, in his book Siddhanta Shriromani, had defined laws of gravity in 12th century, 500 years before Newton defined them for us. The speed of light was known to Indians since Vedic period, centuries before it was calculated by the Western world.


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